When Ugg boots first came out, I couldn't help but think 'here we go, new craze alert'. Overpriced footwear that all the young girls go mad for, including my teenage daughter.
My daughter, being a teenager went crazy for some after they became the craze. At first, I didn't have the money to get uggs, so I bought some very similar ones from a shoe shop. Same colour, same style, minus the baa and minues the hefty price tag and they kept her content for about a month before she started droning on about them again.
I relented and bought her a pair of the classic tall ugg boots in a sandy beige colour. I must admit, I wouldn't wear them, but when she put them on, on the end of her skinny legs, they looked nice where I would have looked like a bigfooted oddbodd.She loved them, none stop on about how warm and comfy they were and she was happy not to have to wear two pairs of socks anymore. It wasn't long later, maybe a week or two when she moaned her feet had got wet whilst she'd been out in them in the rain. Now I wasn't impressed because I had assumed for the price I paid that they would have had an interior waterproof lining of some sort, but no.
She realised that the boots infact were not waterproof which to me, made them pretty useless for the coldest times of british summertime when you want the boots the most because if there's rain or snow, you'll have wet feet which is a recipe for a cold! I was pretty livid that the winter boots I'd bought couldn't be worn for a lot of December and Januray because there was a fair bit of snow around and her feet got wet. I also noticed that because of the material of the boots, they did mark easily which meant that they looked a bit scruffy after a bit.Unlike the cheaper ones, the Ugg boots didn't have that crumpling at the back of the heel and they kept their shape well. My daughter said she felt like she was walking on clouds and I tried them on and though Wow! No wonder so many wear them because they're so cosy!
Now there have been a lot of bad press for uggs saying they're bad for your feet because they're too warm and cause bacteria growth which leads to bad odour etc.. but my daughter wore hers whenever she could and she didn't suffer at all, hers smelt fine.Uggs look great with jeans tucked in them, leggings or even just a pair of shorts, because they're so popular, nobody cares what you wear with them, it's just like "oh shes wearing Uggs" and thats that.
Overall, I think they should be waterproof for the money and that is my biggest moan. Other than that, my daughter likes them very much and still has them now after a years use, the cheaper ones long gone. If yu've got the money, then give them a go, because you don't know how you'll really feel until you give them a chance. I just think they should bring the price down, they've been out for ages now but aren't much cheaper than they were when they first came out because they're so popular!